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Hannes Schüpbach Film Solo: Films 2000-2002
Published on the occasion of the film tour October-December 2003
Cinematheque Ontario, Canada; University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley; The Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York; Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson; Lux, London; Kunstmuseum Winterthur; Stadtkino Basel; Filmpodium Zürich; Kino Arsenal, Berlin; Institut für Theater-, Film- undMedienwissenschaft der J.W. Goethe-Universität mit mal seh'n Kino, Frankfurt

Hannes Schüpbach: Blinking The Mind’s Eye
by Vincent Katz

The films of Hannes Schüpbach are perverse. They work against film’s seductive nature, that calms us by lapping us with imagery, which, even when difficult, partakes, in the best cases, of life’s inevitable rhythms, and therefore comforts us. Schüpbach, by contrast, strictly controls what we see, tantalizing us with glimpses of scenes of solidarity and repose, that are shattered, or rather, dissected by the editor’s scalpel, leaving us with the impression not of witnessing or experiencing, but of being absent from the scene referred to.

One of the most striking elements in Schupbach’s short films is the willful and precise use of black. Not only does the black frequently separate images, unlinking what came from what follows; it also is subject to its own pacing. The blacks themselves have different lengths and thus take on more active tonal value. Superimposition is frequent, and the filmmaker replays shots or variations on shots, so that progression is not linear, but cumulative, like emotion.

The films are silent; music does not fill in their stops. The stops, or limits, are felt. On first viewing the films can seem abrupt; on repeated viewings, their rhythms become better understood. Below, I offer my writings on three of Schüpbach’s films. They attempt more to reflect the feeling of the films than to recount their elements.

Portrait Marriage 2000
9 min.
Starts with shimmering, delicate images. Takes shape with the appearance of a path through grass. The path is taken. People are glimpsed; snatches of nature. Camera moves on objects, giving shape to people’s well-dressed animation. Water on rock; stone structure. Is that a church? Their coats of flowers; walking through water. Now walking; now dancing. So well-dressed, so beautiful. She in red, he in white. Leaving, on stones. Drinks, balls are rolled, through trees. White geese preen. Tablecloths, plates of food. Fresco of a banquet; actual feast. That pattern returns.

Spin 2001
12 min.
Flower (Foxglove?) in late light. A shape made of light, oblong hovering. Hands, arms, sitting. Same flowers in sun. Out-of-focus distance (mountain and sky -- a projection filmed?). Heavy rain over the plants. The mountain. Still blurry, then suddenly sharp with sharp clouds. The play of shapes. Rhythms of hard and soft, clear and blurry. What one is given to see. Projections, and a slit that passes, providing a tracking glimpse, magic-lantern-like but no totality, no resolution. The hand, the arms, the shirt, the tea. The flower, wet, in sun. Smell of earth. A relatively long shot of flowers, changing focus.

Finally, a tiny glimpse of a fragment of the face. Then back outside, a long shot of trees and grass. Are those red, ripe apples on that tree? White shapes flapping in breeze as wipes. A white-haired head; grass with little flowers. Sneakered feet walk; white head proceeds down a road into indistinct distance. The face seen clearly, front and side. The face remembered.

Toccata 2002
28 min.

”immediato”            blue and hands             white petal            water drops               sun in sky                windows            reflection semi-circle            light almost gone            people walking standing                 shifts            grating            still then move            a body            steps            fruits reflection growing with cloud            light through glass            water dripping            line in texture            fast bodies            fast drops            who are those people?            where are they     italy?            fountains            someone i would like to know more about                fountains                cars                late light on bed                ball in water            flies a hand              fish above trees            rocks            towels hang from lines            the slit between            a hand moves a way            the rhythms became acepatable              not those of life but parts              water shapes             a hand moves away            shapes one wants to know more about           
“reiterando”            water moving not in waves but in shapes active            people walk in shadowy urban space            water surface            peoples’ legs walking down steps            a fragment            light shadow on rock walk            water shape close up            there is something one sees into but what?             one does want to know            one relaxes and the experience            stops in black            flowers move shifting            camera movement            closeup red            a dried leaf            more walking            always in same late light            only glimpses of backs            light almost dying many days            went out to see the light            positive/negative in plants            you always want to hurry to see                        water coming in            water over rocks            a bed or a mountain            rocks            and water            a hand working            a red irregular line                        an eye
“vivo”            a darker light            yet darker            water spreads            bed’s edge            daylight steps down old city                        a stone garment            the same steps            an arcade            lavender curtain            an arcade with light            shape becomes an arm            less still            less light            orange            pale blue white            a hover            a blend            red steps            red stone            light on window on wall late            moonlight?               curtains            dark steps            an opening to light                        total light            a closing             to lavender              to scarlet            rooftops            towers            then cranes                soft bright shapes moving            bits of city            last light            needles dance over tops              blue                
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